29 April 2009 /

1:55 PM
har. oneten, is in the AUDITORIUM. harhar.
ppl, post laaaa.
n to those playing the GTA, vry obvious de. lol.

25 April 2009 /

7:36 PM
i shall KBA =)
110 rocks. do'nt u agree wif me????!!!
we will always stay strong, no matter h0w hard u bash us up, or disagree wif the
red statement up there. :x
haha. niways,
jys, ppl fer class tests!szujin

21 April 2009 /

8:30 PM
people POST for goodness sake.
classblog is superduper dead!

13 April 2009 /

8:12 PM
the guy/girl who never pay for the class tee;
can you just PAY UP luh.
please, or else we'll use class funds=sabo-ing your own classmates okay.
Please. have a heart okayy. Dont sabo your class {!}
-Minhan :O

12 April 2009 /

5:58 PM
class tees will be ready by like. erm. wednesday/thursday ;D
and somebody go POST alrighhht. :D:D
and, must study for CHINESE :D
cause like test on wednesday.
those learnt de all correct=no need do ci zi {!}
so people. JIAYOUS :D
i failed my maths leh. OMG D:
-Minhan (:

09 April 2009 /

6:25 PM
lol. jy ppl for elearn. k, perhaps by now u all finish lerhs.... hahas.
enjoy the 3 day break!

05 April 2009 /

10:59 AM
class ties? lol, then tell elainn buy with class funds.
Minhan (: