28 June 2009 /

8:00 PM
heloo pepo:D
good luck for sku tomor! hope u guys hab finish cheong-ing hmwk successfully:D:D:D
jy hor!
btw, is ANYONE looking forward to SWIMMING on tuesdays?!
blehhhhhhh~szujin:D see yas on friday:D mwahaha:D


10:23 AM

i know this isn't any better but still, just use it...

27 June 2009 /

11:47 PM

Screwed up Look like **** Ugly Whatever... It's just the time-table for term 3. I know my art isn't very good. Just use it to copy down or sth...

24 June 2009 /

6:05 PM
Okay people; the friday thingie; is canceled.don't know if i've spelt correctly; but yeah; its canceled.
Labels: Minhann :D


12:54 PM
Okay peepxz.
The relay message is basically about that we have to be in school at
9 am, on the 26 june.and; err, the other part i forgot.
So thats basically about it.
And that; Jiayou in chionging hw.
I still haven do alot lahs ;D
Jiayou kays.
Labels: Minhann :D

16 June 2009 /

10:35 AM
Hi oneten-ians:D:D
elainn's bdae is on 25th:D:D so wish her happy birfday, buy her prezzies ect,ect:D:D
sorry if i've left out anyone o. later will check again cos i'm not at hm now...

13 June 2009 /

2:29 PM
Hows your homework list progressing.?
HEHS. mine's stuck there :x
HEHS. I've only done chinese. maths, and geography!
HEHS. good luck people (:
I'm planning to chiong during the last week of th holidays!
One month seem so long yet so short -.-
HEHS. this is basically a crap post brought to you by:
Minhan (:xoxo

11 June 2009 /

8:05 PM
o.O RuiXiang, youu sure miss alots of fun(:
kayys i post:D since i took most of the photos;
but is a pity we didn't take a group photo;
people keep went missing :X

tis; is HouJoo, MuHua and ZenYoung.
they are burying someone's slippers (unknown).
and in the end, they mark it wif GreenTea can jus in case cant find back.

tis; the 3 guy (you know who), playing something;
i dunnoes wad(:

we bury Clara(: fun huhs?

we have quite lots of fun xD;
sadd, lots of people miss it ):
only erm... MinHan, Clara, Michelle, SzuJin, Medeline, WanLin;
Andrea; XiaoQi, Delia, Jasmine Ang, ChinLee;
Eileen, JiaTyan, JiaYun, Nina (gals)
boys - ZenYoung, MuHua, HouJoo, Lawrance, ShiXiong;
that's all luhhs. Ms Nornie never come):
penned: Michelle(:

10 June 2009 /

8:23 PM
Woots! reflection time!!!(cheers)-see i so good. keep my promise.I jus really can't go. cus i really never went to my 6a academy outing once. cus they were going to escape theme park. and i hate that place... i dun noe why. i think it stinks. reeks of something... dunno wat. so this time go with them once. eh? u guys going to the beach??? lol. so good... haiz... wish can be in two places at the same time. i never really visited sentosa to have fun. great. haiz... im going with you guys(hopefully) next outing no matter wat. unless i die and have my spirit crushed. so nothing bad. someone jus post abt wat u did kkaes?
class cheer... im working on it. im adding dums and strums... nah. posting it soon. ( i hope.)
EdIt: trex.


3:47 PM
tmr outing at sentosa (:
Time: 11.30 sharp, at candy empire.Bring extra clothes in case you want to swim alrights.
HEH. andand, those who don't want to go, its fine (:
Alright. Thats all i'm gna type.
Cyah peeps.
Labels: Minhann :D


2:49 PM
lol thx szujin on behalf of ryan tiong and myself...

09 June 2009 /

3:39 PM
happy belated bdae vice chairman hou joo and ryan tiong :Dsorry late:D
happy hols n JY fer hmwk ppl:D

01 June 2009 /

2:58 PM
Dear 110 babies...
Pls be reminded that our class has been selected to cheer when the Asian Youth Olympic Games torch comes to Nan Hua High on 29 June(first day of school). Please come back to school for rehearsal on 26 June at 9.00 a.m. I need someone to compose a school cheer for the class to cheer. It need not be an original poem. It could be a modification from the class cheer or a modified pop song or something. I will send a relay message sometime in the middle of the holiday. Pls dun let the relay system crash again!!!!
Ms Nornie